Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Wh@t m@kes the Genius..??

We all might have, at some point or the other in our lives, come across people who are truly Genius. The Genius, as I would like to call this character throughout my continuing essay, exists in every single area of work where humans have been known to exist. They work in a normal way and do things just as others do, but somewhere inside them lies the most significant modification they have incurred, that keeps them above each and every person around. Genius is the kind of person who has this extra bit of brain, as I would like to perceive, that gives Him the extra edge. It comes to Him naturally, whatever He does, and He doesn't have to mould his brain, not even an iota, to do what He is capable of. He doesn't need the help of any other person, and He is capable of surviving on his own, well supported by His extraordinary capabilities. He doesn't carry with Him, the badge of being different, and looks just as the person next door. He might have fun and frolic, but when it really matters, He is just required to be serious, and everything happens on its own for Him. He may do something wrong, but very seldom, and something right, always. He exists to make the Others realize, what they lack in themselves, and what they cannot achieve. Everyone knows him, well enough, but no-one can be like Him, for they dont have enough. Ofcourse, He is the only one of His kind, and should I finally say, a possible Incarnation of the All Mighty.

So do we belong to special and the restricted group of this Genius, or we seem to be lost in the remaining never-ending world of Others.

(To be Continued)


Blogger I Am Sam said...

is it about me.. yo ..

4:40 AM  
Blogger S.M said...

sometimes it is abt attitude n not brains...exploring u r potential lies in ur hands....genius-vinius is bullshit....

8:24 AM  

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